Coffee Accented Almond, Chocolate and Raspberry Layer Cake
By: Yoshiharu S. - Sonoma, CA - 2017 Recipe Contest Submission
This is a Door County Coffee Fan recipe. It was not made in the kitchens of the Door County Coffee Café.
Featured ingredient: Elite Espresso Coffee 10 oz. Ground
For 1 of 5 Layer Cake (approx. 10”x 12”x 2.5”)
Coffee Almond Sponge Cake:
- 2 tablespoons Door County Espresso Fine Grind
- 12 oz Whole Egg
- 5 oz Sugar for whole egg
- 8 oz Almond Powder
- 7 oz Egg white
- 3 oz Sugar for egg white
- 2 oz Flour
- 4 oz Raspberry Puree or syrup
Chocolate Mousse:
- 20 oz Dark Chocolate
- 20 oz Heavy cream
- 20 oz Heavy cream for whipping
- Your choice of: chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, chocolate plate and mint leave for topping and decoration.
Coffee Almond Sponge Cake:
- Preheat oven 400˚F. Prepare large mixing bowl, beaten whole egg with whisk.
- Add sugar little by little into egg to keep beaten until thicken. Add Almond powder little by little to keep beaten slowly.
- Prepare another medium size bowl, beaten egg white until meringue thickness then add sugar little by little to keep beaten to make thick meringue.
- Transfer meringue into whole egg batter then mix with wooden or rubber spatula gently and carefully to keep air inside of batter. When whole egg batter and meringue are mixed approximately 70% then sprinkle flour and espresso coffee powder together with strainer on batter, keep mix until butter and powder merged well.
- Place Parchment paper on 2 oven sheets tray or cookie tray, spread batter even half inch thickness then bake in oven 5-6 minutes.
- Remove from oven then cool down on cooler.
Chocolate Mousse:
- Prepare medium size mixing bowl and saucepan, place chocolate in bowl. Pour heavy cream in saucepan to boil lightly then transfer to bowl to melt chocolate. Stir with rubber spatula to melt chocolate completely. Cool down until lower than body temperature.
- Prepare another mixing bowl, whip remaining heavy cream approximately 80% of whip.
- Add chocolate into whipped cream little by little slowly, keep whipping until mixed completely.
Assembling Cake:
- Cut sponge cake like 2 full and 1 half size each from sheet tray, combine 2 half size to make one full size. Place one full size sponge cake in large rectangle cake mold or cold oven pan then brush raspberry puree. Prepare pastry bag, install small round pastry tip then fill chocolate mousse in bag to squeeze on sponge cake even. Place 2nd full size sponge cake on chocolate mousse. Repeat same process (set 2 half size sponge cake in middle, 3rd layer) to 5 layers.
- Save in refrigerator 3-4 hours to sit and harden.
- Cut preferred size, decollate chocolate and strawberry syrup, berries and mint on serving plate to serve.