This world-renowned blend was originally a gift from China to the British Prime Minister, Earl Grey. A contemporary version, it uses teas from India and China, blended with natural Oil of Bergamot. The large box of 50 convenient tea bags ensures you'll run out less often. Each tea bag brews a 6 to 8 oz cup of tea.
Full Description
This world-renowned blend was originally a gift from China to the British Prime Minister, Earl Grey. A contemporary version, it uses teas from India and China, blended with natural Oil of Bergamot. The large box of 50 convenient tea bags ensures you'll run out less often. Each tea bag brews a 6 to 8 oz cup of tea.
Caffeinated Tea
50 Tea Bags
Brewing Time: 4 to 5 minutes
Brewing Temperature: 212° F
Ingredients: Black tea, oolong tea, bergamot oil. All Natural.