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We are committed to sourcing and producing our coffee responsibly in as many ways as we are able. We continue to focus efforts on improving in this area and at this time are proud to share the following sustainability practices that are currently in place.



Solar Panels

In 2023, we installed a Solar Photovoltaic System which has 305 panels. We have a unique advantage with a long south facing roof line of our Roasting Facility allowing for great coverage. This 125 kW sized system which will generate enough electricity over the year to cover about 35% of our electric utility usage. This is equal to providing electricity to about 20 homes. 

solar panels door county coffee



Propane is used to power our coffee roasters. Propane is a much more efficient and cleaner energy source for us today than grid-generated electricity. For a cleaner energy future, propane can help accelerate decarbonization. Next to solar and wind, propane is one of the cleanest renewable fuels approved under the Clean Air Act. Even though it is a cleaner option, we still work to conserve energy where we can and have reduced our propane use per roast by 25% since 2019 through better efficiencies and technology.



Shipping Boxes

The following breakdown shows that for all corrugated material with recycled content we used in 2021, this is what we prevented from happening to the environment. For example, we prevented 131 tons of wood not being consumed.  Instead, recycled boxes were used for raw material. This is very impressive considering 131 tons is 6.5 semi-trucks lined up on a high way.  




In 2023, on behlaf of Door County Coffee, UPS has mitigated 69.456 metric tons of CO2e.

 ccn certificate door county coffee

We support the UPS Carbon Neutral Efforts. What does that mean? We invest in UPS efforts to offset the climate impact of our shipment. UPS's carbon neutral option supports projects that offset the emissions of the shipment's transport. UPS has supported projects that include reforestation, landfill gas destruction, wastewater treatment, and methane destruction. We are proud to partner with them in these efforts.

Inbound green coffee beans are shipped carbon-neutral




Travel brings us to new, unforgettable places — places we want future generations to enjoy, just like we have. From experiencing Wisconsin’s stunning natural beauty to exploring our thriving communities, sustainable travel makes it possible for us to make memories here again and again.

Travel Green, a Travel Wisconsin eco-focused program, makes it easy to support businesses, nonprofit organizations, visitor centers, and more that prioritize environmental sustainability. Ranging from large hotels to small B&Bs, cafes to Main Street shops, Travel Green members are leading the way in sustainable travel. Through an annual pledge, Travel Green organizations commit to sustainability in the following areas: education, community, energy efficiency, transportation, waste reduction and water conservation.

By supporting Travel Green organizations, you’re using your dollars to support local communities and producers. You’re helping Wisconsinites who have made a conscientious decision to reduce their environmental footprint. And you’re paving the way for future travelers to enjoy everything Wisconsin has to offer.

Businesses around Wisconsin have taken the pledge to commit to doing their part in advancing sustainability. Check out the pledge here, to see all the ways sustainability is being pursued. Travel Green members are required to sign the Travel Green Pledge each year.




​With every purchase of Door County Coffee, Tree's, Water & People initiatives in protecting deforestation & expanding the education of the farmers is supported.

“At Trees, Water & People, our work is guided by two core beliefs: that natural resources are best protected when local people play an active role in their care and management, and that preserving local ecosystems is essential for the ongoing social, economic, and environmental health of communities everywhere.”


trees water people




  • Paperless Billing: All Wholesale customers are invited to participate in Paperless Billing practices to prevent the use of paper materials produced and used where possible.
  • LED Lighting: We continue to wok on actively eliminating incandescent lights with LED. Based on the lights/watts they were as incandescent /fluorescent type lights, we have so reduced our total light wattage use from 24,000 watts to 5,900 watts approximately for a 75% plus reduction.
  • Reduced Water Use: Sidewalks and driveways are NOT washed down, but swept instead. Our restrooms have flow flush toilets
  • Reuse & Recycle: Corrugated cartons and pallets are reused as long as possible
  • Sharing with the Community: Pallets and burlap coffee bags are offered to the community for use at no cost
  • Buy Local: We purchase locally wherever possible to eliminate the footprint of how far goods travel
  • Reducing Waste: Donate coffee that is not being sold to non-profits for use
  • Afterburners burn particulate matter in exhaust from roast



Here are some great ideas on how you can reuse your coffee grounds after they've been brewed and enjoyed. READ BLOG