Triple Caramel Latte

Triple Caramel Latte

By: Carole - Cleveland, OH - 2014 Recipe Contest Submission

"During a long, cold winter in Cleveland, Ohio, Icreated this tasty drink to stay warm…what a fabulous thing to come out of a nasty winter season. Rich caramel sauce enhances the already great flavors of Door County Coffee Caramel Latte flavored coffee."


This is a user-submitted recipe. It was not made in the kitchens of the Door County Coffee Cafe.



Featured ingredient: Caramel Latte Coffee 10 oz. Bag Ground

  • 1 Tbsp. heavy cream
  • 1 Tbsp. caramel sauce
  • 8 oz Door County Coffee Caramel Latte coffee, brewed
  • 2 Tbsp. whipped cream


1. Combine cream and caramel sauce in the bottom of a large cup or mug. Stir until combined.
2. Add brewed Door County Caramel Latte Coffee.
3. Top with whipped cream and serve immediately.