Give the gift of Door County with this gift full of “Made in Door County” products!
This gift is filled with a wonderful variety of best-selling local Door County products! This gift is packaged and shipped in a decorative Door County Coffee shipping box.
Includes the following best-sellers from our Café & Gift Store in Door County.(Note: If a product is out of stock another Door County best-seller will be substituted.)
- One Jar of Seaquist Chopped Cherry Jam (10oz)
- One Box Al Johnson's Swedish Pancake Mix (14oz)
- One Snack Size Bag of Cherry Delite Dried Cherries (2oz)
- One Jar of Door County Mustard (7oz)
- Ten Door County Coffee 1.5oz Full-pot Bags: Black & Tan, Breakfast Blend, Bourbon Vanilla Cream, Cinnamon Hazelnut, Frosted Cinnamon Buns, Highlander Grogg, Jamaican Me Crazy, Peanut butter Crunch, Turtles in a Cup, Vanilla Crème Brulee